Ataser; Do Not Invest Before Taking The Municipality’s Opinion

Warning from Ataser: “We will not take responsibility for the investments that are done without the opinion of the Municipality.”

Ataser; Do Not Invest Before Taking The Municipality’s Opinion
02 Mart 2019 Cumartesi 17:10


Alsancak Mayor Ataser announced that they will not take responsibility of the institutions and organisations that want to invest within the boundaries of the municipality or take a step without taking the opinion of the Municipality.

Alsancak Mayor Fırat Ataser announced on his personal social media account that he would not take responsibility for the investments that are been done without the Municipality’s opinion by calling to the institutions and organisations that want to invest within the borders of Alsancak Municipality. Ataser gave the following statements in his description:

“Alsancak Municipality will not take responsibilities of the people, institutions, organisations that are willing to invest without taking the opinion of the Municiplity for their investment withinthe boundaries of Alsancak. I wish you success in your work.”

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