Employees are trained in English

Employees are trained in English
13 Nisan 2019 Cumartesi 19:54


English language training for municipal employees in the Kyrenia Region has begun.

Within the scope of the “Transfer Station and Improved Waste Management Services” project carried out by the Municipality of Kyrenia, Çatalköy Municipality, Lapta Municipality and Alsancak Municipality, English language training is given to the employees. 63 employees wiill benefit from the Eight weeks of English language course. Within the scope of the project, basic communication skills, organisational skills, local and European Union environmental safety legislation trainings will also be held for the employees.

With Transfer Station and Improved Waste Management Services project; the aims are to improve the efficiency and quality of waste collection services in the region. With the completion of the project, significant progress is expected in solid waste management and the reduction of solid waste in society.

Within the scope of capacity building activities, awareness studies, trainings and seminars planned for the purpose of complementarity with the objectives in the project have been planned and implemented. In the scope of the project, activities to contribute to the establishment of a strategic plan for the effective management of the entire region and collective action for the Kyrenia Region were organised , information was gathered and the strategic plan of the region is being prepeared.

“Transfer Station and Improved Waste Management Services” is funded by the European Union under the Community Development Grant Scheme.

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