Enthusiasm At The Necat British College “Science Fair”

The opening ceremony of the 5th Science Fair in Necat British College building was held by the mayor of Alsancak, Fırat Ataser, and Necat British College directors, Selen Necat and Nilay Necat.

Enthusiasm  At The Necat British College “Science Fair”
02 Mart 2019 Cumartesi 18:26


After the opening of the fair, the visitors visited the stands and examined the students’ projects and received information about the studies. The projects attracted great attention by asking the students questions as they are scientists, observing, designing the research, saving the data and making conclusions.

Nilay Necat one of the directors of NBC, in her speech at the opening of the Science Fair, she thanked all teachers and students for their efforts and emphasised that their aim was to educate individuals who thought scientifically, were aware of universal problems and produced solutions to these problems.

The projects created by the ideas of the students and with the support of the counselor teachers were interesting and the result of the creative research was followed by other students with interest.

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