One Way Route Application will be Tried in the Ancient Harbour

Kyrenia Municipality,  has came up with a solution for the traffic problem in Krenia Antique Harbour during the service hours.

One Way Route Application will be Tried in the Ancient Harbour
02 Mart 2019 Cumartesi 17:49


Kyrenia Municipality,  has came up with a solution for the traffic problem in Krenia Antique Harbour during the service hours. According to the request of the regional tradesmen to the Kyrenia Municipality Traffic Commission,  according to Kyrenia Antique Harbour Regulation, between the hours of 05: 00-11: 00 the one way route application for the vehicles which are to bring goods to the regional tradesmen was decided to be tried.According to this; service vehicles, as of March 11, 2019 for 1 month will follow the route during the service hours which is from “under the castle to the direction of the dallas buffet”. Except for the service hours, the harbour will continue to be closed to vehicles except for emergency situations.  It is important that drivers comply with traffic signs and workers.

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