Border painting and renovation has work started

Border painting and renovation works were initiated in various streets and avenues of the city in Kyrenia.

Border painting and renovation has work started
16 Temmuz 2020 Perşembe 23:38


Border painting and renovation works were initiated in various streets and avenues of the city in Kyrenia.

In order to ensure traffic and pedestrian safety within the program, Kyrenia Municipality initiated border painting, parking for disabled people and renovation works on various streets and avenues of the city.

According to the information given by Kyrenia Municipality; it was noted that Bel-Paz teams affiliated to the Municipality will carry out painting of the roundabouts and along the road on Karaoğlanoğlu Street, while such works will continue throughout the city.

Within the scope of the works, the disabled parking area at the entrance of Bellapais Monastery was renewed.

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