Ataser, “ All Necessary Measures Will Be Taken.”

Mayor of Alsancak District, Ataser : “ All necessary measures will be taken about the stream beds.”

Ataser, “ All Necessary Measures Will Be Taken.”
02 Mart 2019 Cumartesi 16:51


After the last flood, Municipality of Alsancak has started works on the improvement of the stream beds in the area and for them to reach the sea.

Mayor of Alsancak District, Firat Ataser gave information to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport mayor Tolga Atakan.

According to the information given by the Municipality of Alsancak, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Mayor Tolga Atakan went to Alsancak to see the improvements made to the stream beds and also to exchanged information on what else could be done at the problematic areas.

Ataser “ A disaster took place in our district, in order to prevent similar disasters we have started our work to take necessary steps immediately from the first day.

In this context, some bridges and roads had to be rebuilt, we immediately demolished the bridges that caused the problems.

As our Minister can see, today we have started working to make new ones.

Minister Atakan said they would give all the support they can as a Ministry to eliminate the problematic areas.

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