They Want Roads!

A month ago the Municipalities of Alsancak, Lapta and North West Development did a protest for the double road lane project to be put into action.

They Want Roads!
01 Mart 2019 Cuma 23:52


The protestors gathered at the Yavuz Cikartma Beach Area and occupied the road for half an hour.

Due to the closure of the road, the protestors, police and the citizens had minor arguments throughout the time of the protest.

The protest was supported by the Mayor of Lapta Mustafa Aktug, Mayor of Alsancak Firat Ataser and citizens from Alsancak, Lapta, Karsiyaka, Camlibel, and Tepebasi, also the non-governmental organization, associations and sports clubs supported the ongoing protest.

The Mayor of Alsancak Firat Ataser said, in 2017 the municipality did technical investigations and studies on the road and come across technical infrastructure problems and expropriations related to the project.

Ataser also noted that both municipalities are ready to cooperate with the ministry in order to enforce the project and that the government and the ministry had been unresponsive to all demands and calls to this day.

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