Kyrenia Municipality Park Gardens Department works continuously

Kyrenia Municipality Park Gardens Department continues its maintenance and cleaning works in playgrounds and green areas.

Kyrenia Municipality Park Gardens Department works continuously
16 Temmuz 2020 Perşembe 23:39


According to the information given by the Municipality of Kyrenia, with the end of the pandemic period, all the teams started to work and the cleaning works continued in the city roads as well as cemeteries, playgrounds, green areas and side streets.

Within the scope of Corona virus measures, citizens and children, who have been isolated from social life and streets for more than two months, have entered a period of normalization from the 1st of June. According to the statement made by the Municipality, in order to provide a cleaner and healthier environment for children and citizens, in addition to the renovation and cleaning works initiated in parks and green areas, the continuation of cleaning and disinfection works in the parks and playgrounds throughout the city in order to allow children to spend time in a healthier and hygienic environment will continue.

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