Lions visited Kyrenia Municipality

Kyrenia Vatan Lions Club visited Kyrenia Mayor Nidai Güngördü in his office.

Lions visited Kyrenia Municipality
13 Ekim 2020 Salı 13:33


Kyrenia Vatan Lions Club President Mukaddes Turan, Vice President Nurtaç Ayet and Vatan Lions Club members met with Kyrenia Mayor Nidai Güngördü.

During the visit, Vatan Lions Club requested a place from Kyrenia Mayor Güngördü regarding the creation of green spaces in the region, and also stated that some decisions were taken to take precautions and warnings about children and young people.

In his speech, Kyrenia Mayor Nidai Güngördü said that “Kyrenia Municipality” has always supported non-governmental organisations. He stated that children should be kept away from the dangers in the virtual environment and that non-governmental organisations should take precautions in this regard. He stated that the understanding of the municipality changed in this period, and that the municipality has a place in social responsibility projects and implementations as well as its main duties. Güngördü stated that they will offer them the means they can about green areas and that they will act together on this issue.

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