The exhibition “Pandemia in Art” was held

The exhibition called “Pandemia in Art” by artist Salih Mustafa Çizel was held between 15-24 June at the Art Gallery (Old Transformer Building) of Kyrenia Municipality.

The exhibition “Pandemia in Art” was held
16 Temmuz 2020 Perşembe 23:41


Kyrenia Mayor Nidai Güngördü, who curated the exhibition opening by Ahmet Savaş Kale, in his opening speech; He underlined that life continues, regardless of how important it is to produce during the Coronavirus epidemic, which affects the world. Noting that there is no need to say much about Salih Çisel because he is a lover of Cyprus and Kyrenia, Güngördü emphasized that he knew a debt to Mr. Salih Çisel for the values ​​he added to our country and art life.

Salih Mustafa Çizel, in his opening speech said; “I would like to thank my art-loving friends who came to the opening of my exhibition (by respecting distance and rules). In my 37th solo exhibition, I have processed pandemic interactive reflections with colors. Despite the terrible explanation of this word found in our knowledge, his artistic influence response was suddenly shaped by the connotation, the sea waves, and I was proud to see my works that I made in a time when we were struggling with such a terrible global pandemic.”

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