Watch the distance, wear a mask!

There is an increase in coronavirus cases worldwide and in our country. It is vital to be mindful of symptoms, avoid contact, strict compliance with isolation and protection measures.

Watch the distance, wear a mask!
13 Ekim 2020 Salı 13:34


Coronavirus is a type of virus transmitted by respiratory and contact. For this reason, it is very important to keep the danger under control so that people do not stay in public areas in order to prevent contact with each other. It is vital to pay attention to hygiene and social distance and to wear a mask at workplaces.

The coronavirus spreads from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, and when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes or talks, they can spread the virus around. People can catch COVID-19 when they inhale these droplets from an infected person.

On the other hand, droplets can cling to objects and surfaces such as tables and door handles around the positive person. Others can become infected if they touch their hands to the eyes, nose or mouth after touching objects or surfaces to which the positive person’s droplet is attached.

COVID-19 can also be transmitted from a person with a mild cough and good general health. In addition, studies show that people with no symptoms can infect the virus.

In particular, people should pay attention to their own hygiene and the hygiene of those around them, as well as avoid contact with people who are not in public areas unless necessary.

Basic measures

Socially, the mask-distance-hygiene rule is considered as the most important protection measure against COVID-19. In this context, it is important to take the following basic measures:

- If possible, hands should be washed with soap for 2 minutes, if not; they should be regularly and thoroughly cleaned with an alcohol-based hand lotion or washed with soap and water.

- The distance with others should be at least 1.5 meters.

- Masks should be used.

- Avoid going to crowded places.

- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

- In case of symptoms or diseases, you should definitely stay at home. And should apply to the nearest clinic with a mask on.

- In case of fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, call 112 or 1102 for help.

Hand hygiene is very important

The mask can help prevent the virus from spreading from the person wearing the mask to others, but using a mask alone does not protect against COVID-19. It is important to apply this together with physical distance and hygiene.In addition, for the safety of their relatives in the risk group, they should not be visited and pay attention to social isolation.News should not be followed on social media; only correct information should be obtained from reliable sources. It will be more beneficial to follow the correct information shared by the Ministry of Health in this period.It is our call for chronic patients and young people aged 65 and over

Especially, people who are 65 years of age or older with low immune system, chronic lung disease, asthma, COPD, cardiovascular disease, kidney, hypertension and liver disease, and those using medicine that disrupt the immune system should isolate themselves at home unless necessary. Our young people should also stay away from communities as much as possible.

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